Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"That no flesh should glory in His presence."

This week has started off a little rough, but I'm starting to see a lot of good shining through it. A lot of different circumstances have surrounded me this week.. Really though things that I've never really had to face before. I emailed Joel (one of my mentors) last night and he responded to me with some verses to read.

As I began to read the verses he gave to me, I realized I was reading 1 Cor 1 instead of 2 Cor 1... but I felt like God still had something for me in the chapter so I kept reading. Vs. 29 - 31 says:

"That no flesh should glory in His presence. But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."
 It amazes me, because I have read this chapter 3 times in the last week and a half, and never really thought about those three verses... It's incredible how we can miss so many good things in the scriptures.
The other chapter he gave me to read was James 1. It talkes about growing in patience, but the verses that really got me were the ones that talked about when you are asking the Lord for something, we are to ask in faith.. COMPLETE FAITH... HOLDING NOTHING BACK. I think that this is said a lot more easily than it is done, but that's how we're supposed to pray.
God has just showed me so much today.. despite what my surroundings may be, I need to completely DIE TO MYSELF, and ask the Lord in COMPLETE FATIH to guide me where He wants me to go.
God, I pray that as I continue this week, Lord, that everyday you would help me die to my desires, and hopes, and everything I am so that you may be able to do what you want in my life. Empty me, God, until there's NOTHING left of me.. so that I can be completely consumed with you.